Financial & Professional Services


Written by Mark Burgess | 26 Mar 2021

The more we understand about the climate crisis and the role we play in causing it, the more we’re forced to examine how to make our lifestyles and societies cleaner, healthier and ultimately more sustainable. 

The team at Liontrust recognise this, which is why they set up Sustainable Future funds back in 2001. Since then, the Sustainable Investment team has been awarded a host of prestigious sustainability credentials and led industry initiatives to drive sustainable change in the companies in which they invest. 

We produced this short film featuring their team members describing their visions for a sustainable future. The answers were varied and insightful, and we illustrated their ideas using a carefully curated selection of stock footage and motion graphics. 

The final film was used to open the Liontrust Sustainability Conference and set the tone for the rigorous and productive discussion planned for the day. It was then edited into shorter clips for use on social media to ensure their ideas and insights reached the widest audience possible.